Track Chair:
Dr Muhammad Mustafa Raziq, NUST Business School, ([email protected])
Description: Organziations over the years have profoundly changed their strategies and upgraded capabilities in response to their rapidly changing external environments. The continuous need to upgrade is costly and poses many challenges for the leaders with regard to motivating the followers for their commitment and performance. These challenges, however, also bring many opportunities for organizational development and value creation. This track seeks contributions on the management of corporate, functional and operational strategies of organizations. It looks at contributions focusing on the role of top management in strategy making as well as the role of leadership in motivating the followers as well as developing the organization as a whole. Relevant topics to this track include, and are not limited to, strategic management, global strategy, strategic foresight, digital strategy, organizational ambidexterity, dynamic capabilities, leadership styles as well as leader traits, behaviour, and skills, gender and leadership, organization theory, as well as the development of organizational competencies and performance.
Strategic management, corporate strategy, functional strategy, operational strategy, digital strategy, strategic foresight, ambidexterity, global strategy, competitive strategy, strategy as practice, strategic leadership, knowledge and innovation, leadership styles, transformational leadership, spiritual leadership, authentic leadership, transactional leadership, servant leadership,
leader traits, behaviours and skills, gender and leadership, organization theory, organizational structures, institutional theory, resource dependence theory, organizational development, organizational learning.
Production and Operations Management
Digitalization, Disruption, and Innovation
Strategy, Leadership and Organization
International Business and Management
Work and Organizational Psychology
Marketing and Hospitality Management
Labour, Globalization and Economic Development
Peace, Conflict Management and Economic Development
Green Energy and Sustainable Finance
Conference track: Sustainability Management Challenges and Opportunities in a Changed World: Perspectives from Emerging Economies