Track Chair:
Dr Imdad Ullah, Centre for International Peace and Stability ([email protected])
Description: Conflicts over territory, resources, and identity remain the perennial fact of contemporary world. Steady progression and development of the knowledge of human nature and state behaviour though contributed in providing the necessary understanding and institutional tools to resolve these conflicts yet it failed in completely eradicating the conflict from the ambit of inter-group as well as inter-state milieu. Only with regard to territory, today, around 110 states are locked into disputes over their mutual borders. In many instances while negotiating peace—states continue to pile up deadly weapons of myriads kinds to scuttle the peace efforts. These conflicts have major implications for foreign investments, industry and
economic development of the countries involved in conflict. Given the impact of pandemic and return of great power politics, the trends of social, ethnic, and political conflicts are only getting worse. Against this backdrop, this track solicits scholarly contributions addressing different local,
regional, and global conflicts and ways to manage them. It also welcomes contributions on the role of peace in economic development. The contributions may also address political, sociological, security or legal dimensions of contemporary conflicts and their management techniques.
Strategic stability, humanitarian intervention, arbitration, mediation, institutionalism, realism, liberalism, legalism, economic sanctions, border disputes, multilateralism, peacekeeping, peace-building, democratic peace, great power politics, global order, pandemic, climate change, human security, state security.
Production and Operations Management
Digitalization, Disruption, and Innovation
Strategy, Leadership and Organization
International Business and Management
Work and Organizational Psychology
Marketing and Hospitality Management
Labour, Globalization and Economic Development
Peace, Conflict Management and Economic Development
Green Energy and Sustainable Finance
Conference track: Sustainability Management Challenges and Opportunities in a Changed World: Perspectives from Emerging Economies