Conference track: Sustainability Management Challenges and Opportunities in a Changed World: Perspectives from Emerging Economies

Track Chair:
Dr. Aymen Sajjad,
Massey University, New Zealand ([email protected])
Description: This track focuses on issues in the context of the recent changes, trends, disruptions, as well as crisis such as the COVID 19 pandemic. It looks at challenges and opportunities for managers and governments in the times of crises, the issues, pressures and obstacles with regard to sustainability, as well as the challenges specific to the emerging markets.
This track welcomes contributions from a variety of disciplines focusing particularly (but not limited to) issues in sustainability as well as the effects of COVID 19 pandemic on organizations, managers, and governments.


Sustainability, triple bottom line, COVID 19, disruption, emerging economies, managers, governments, organizations, global competition, global challenges, multinational firms, war and conflict, conflict management, energy crises, pollution havens, economic development.